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WealthTech's Reality Check: Context, Costs, and the Human Element

We had a great time at The Wealth Mosaic’s first ever US WealthTech Vendor Forum and the AI toolkit roadshow. The conference was full of industry professionals and AI experts exchanging ideas about the future of Wealth, Tech & AI. 

In case you missed it, here are a couple conversations that will continue through 2025: 

Justin Whitehead, Chris Mcdonald, David Navama, Michelle Heppler are at the forefront of innovation and led the conversation regarding AI. Hyper-personalization, client engagement, and automation are the future, but the topic that kept on returning: AI is useless without accessible and clean data. Think of a CRM overflowing with client notes; essentially a digital junk drawer. But if AI can understand the context of those notes – the emotions, the intentions, the nuances of each client interaction – then we're talking about something powerful. Clean data may be just as important, if not more important than the tech itself. 

The next topic that needs to be on the forefront of founders and WealthTechs alike: adoptability.

Having a great tech solution that achieves efficiency and produces more value for the end client is a great theory, but creating the perfect solution is only half the battle. Consider the time and cost for an enterprise to roll out your platform across the country. What barriers must an enterprise overcome to get from “I love this” to “Let’s implement this”? Further, once the platform is integrated, only 10-15% of tools offered are utilized by an individual advisor. After implementation, what moves the advisor from “I love this” to “I need to use this to service all of my clients”?   

Thanks to Stephan Wall, and all those who attended and contributed to such vibrant discussions. 


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Securities Products and Investment Banking Services are offered through BA Securities, LLC. Member FINRA SIPC.  WealthTech Strategy Partners LLC and BA Securities, LLC are separate, unaffiliated entities.

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